Friday 25 November 2016

Christmas Fair Preparation

We asked the parents firstly what they do about the Christmas fair. The parents said it is quite stressful, because it is hard work for them. They all really enjoy this. Some adults really like doing it because they like folding raffle tickets because it makes them calm. It is quite hard because there are so many things that many people donated. In the kids tombola they sell loads of stationary loads of toys let’s say many things the children like.

For the adults tombola they sell wine, food and coffee, let’s say some kids don’t really like it they find it boring.

For the adult tombola green ticket and children’s is pink tickets. Adults vs. Children’s tombola which one is better please vote.
If you get a ticket that ends in 0 or 5 you get a prize but if you get one that end in 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 you don’t get any.

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